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Dave Brondsema's open-source project involvement

Current-ish projects

Project Role Dates Descr
DataDiff Lead Nov 2010 - DataDiff is a library to provide human-readable diffs of python data structures.
FamilySite 2 Lead Dec 2008 Semantic-web (FOAF) webapp for blog aggregation, address book printing, LDAP for mail clients, birthday iCal/Atom feeds. Could be used for families, churches, and other organizations where personal information is not already a priority (e.g. businesses)
Konfidi Lead 2005 - Konfidi is a system that uses PGP signatures to determine authenticity, and topical trust values to compute an inferred trust value. The first (and motivating) application is to filter email.
Misc. small projects 2008 - Small projects, hosted on github

Past projects

Project Role Dates Descr
On My Way Lead 2009 - 2010 iPhone webapp to find locations along your current route
JsRdfEditor Lead Oct 2006 Generic all-JavaScript UI for creating RDF files, given a few OWL ontologies. Useful for creating FOAF files, etc
Lotus Notes to Outlook Calendar Converter System Design 2006 Worked with Mark Rogers to develop this, at Cornerstone University
Bedework Contributor 2006 Minor patches for this J2EE institutional calendar
Apache MyFaces Contributor 2006 Minor patches; this should be a close match
Apache Forrest Developer Oct 2003 - 2005 Cocoon-based web documentation framework. My most significant contributions have been to the forrestbot and forrestbot web interface.
LXR Developer June 2004 Various fixes and improvements to dev (0.9) line.
BEEJ Lead 2002 Generic expression editor library. Allows end-user to interface with a useful GUI that generates expressions (e.g. SQL) for use within the program.
Kal's Quest Lead 2002 - 2004 CSX GameSIG project. Gauntlet-style game using SDL in C++.
Q... Observer 2002 Port of Qt 3 to native Win32. I barely started a port and then stopped all my work on that port and agreed to let kde-cygwin's qt3-win32 project take over the "qtwin" SF project name
BookConnection Developer Aug 2003 - 2005 Website for students of Calvin Collegeto buy and sell textbooks. A CSX project.
JSVN Contributor Apr 2004 Minor patch.
OSUser Contributor Mar 2004 Contributed the Weblogic Providers and XML File Providers. OSUser is a java framework for user authentication, profiles, and groups. It can connect to any number of back end providers.


Project Descr
PhouperPhoto grouper. Organize (via folders or tags) photos into hierarchies based on the rate at which pictures were taken
ldap2sparql I waited long enough, and someone else started an ldap2sparql project.

A service that takes LDAP queries and answers them by executing a SPARQL query and returning the results. Would be used to have an LDAP interface to address book information stored in FOAF files.

Unfinished projects

Project Role Dates Descr
Gentoo-Cygwin Developer Dec 2003 Bring Gentoo's portage system to work in Cygwin in Windows. Modify and create ebuilds that work in cygwin.
KnightSleuth Lead 2002 Java standalone app to search Calvin College's people database. Uses BEEJ.
LANTS Lead Mar 2004 Local Area Network Tool Suite. Suite of scripts to manage a set of computers (e.g., a lab). Gentoo LANTS sometime later. A CSX project.
Calvin TV Lead 2004 Use Perl and XMLTV to generate a database of Calvin College's TV channels. A PHP front end will read from the database. A CSX project.
JUmlErd Lead Oct 2003 ON HOLD indefinitely. Java app to create UML & ERD diagrams and generate SQL commands from database schema definitions. Was going to use this as the basis for my Java App Design HOWTO. KnightSleuth and/or MageDuel will fulfill this probably.
Multi-CMS Lead 2003 ON HOLD indefinitely. Forrest is taking over. Still some needs not coverd by forrest, though. Multi-domain, multi-category, multi-lingual, modular website content management system. If I do start again, it'll be with JSF or Struts or Smarty
FamilySite Lead 2003 Content management system targeted at family-oriented websites. Geneology, calendar, blogs, photo gallery. Significant rewrites will be next..
EnigWeb Lead Sep 2006 OpenPGP extension for Firefox. FirePGP was developed and is good.